There’s no doubt that Omni Focus 2 is a great GTD tool on Mac, or even in every platform. Sometimes I just feel hard to collect tasks, cause they are everywhere.
Imagine you are surfing on the internet and saw a really good article, and wants to read it later, you can create a take immediately in Omni Focus 2, or put it in Pocket, which is another great app for collecting articles. But, what if hundreds of articles are there? I believe no one will add them one by one.
So I came up an idea to add them automatically. Thank god Omni Focus 2 supports adding tasks via email. To enable it, you need to visit and sign in/sign up, and click “Add an address” in section “Mail Drop to Inbox”. After that, you will get an email address like “”.
When you want to create a task, you can just simply send an email to this address, email title will be the task title, and email body will be the task details. Task will be located in “Inbox”.
Why is this cool? I created an “ifttt” task: each time a rss feed has a new item, create a task in Omni Focus 2, then, I know there’s a new article for me read. :-D
P.S. You have to enable syncing in Omni Focus 2 to use this feature.